A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


It's the year 2038 and the North Pole has melted, forcing humanity to live in submarines that travel underwater. This lore it's not in the game, but it'd like to think I didn't come up with this 1 hour before the deadline.

Re:Ship is a game about underwater survival, about managing a crew in harsh evironments, about not destroying a submarine.

Playing The Game

I'm sorry but there wasn't time to do a tutorial, hopefully this will suffice. The whole game is playable with a mouse. You drag and drop units into the rooms and they do stuff. 

  • Heat Room: Produces heat
  • Energy Room: Produces energy
  • Lounge: Produces happiness
  • Training Room: Gives XP to Units
  •  Control Room: Makes the Submarine move

To win the game you have to reach 1000m of depth. If a room is burning someone with engineering might help ;)

There are some curious interactions with stats, not as many as I'd like to but try to experiment! 


For some reason I decided to spend half a day implementing a python server to send and receive messages. You can find a Radio in the Tools section. It can be used to send a message to a random player that is also connected at the same time. (I have a moderation system in place so don't waste your time ;)). This is an experimental mechanic that will probably be never used but you can use it to send precious informations to other players. You're not alone deep in the waters!


Speaking of useless features I have a random background generator for every Unit you control, it's different every time! Not that difficult to implement but fun to see in action! 

Post Mortem

It's not as fun as I would've liked. There are some minor bugs. But I think it's one of the most polished experiences I've ever released. I learned a lot and it was fun coding it. The game is **not** balanced, and I'd have to play for a few days just to tweak the numbers, hopefully it's winnable. There's a **known bug** where you can die because of a random event and not have the time to read what killed you, sorry :(


* Coding: thevinter (Nikita Brancatisano)

* Python Server: tetofonta (Stefano Fontana)

* Art: thevinter (Nikita Brancatisano), Lorenzo Tomadini

* Music: Lorenzo Tomadini


Windows Version 108 MB
ReShip_Linux.zip 110 MB

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